About Us
As the great Dr. Seuss wrote, “Oh, the places you'll go!” At the Georgia Center for Autism and Developmental Pediatrics (GCADP), our mission is to help your child get there.
We’re a family-centered medical practice providing comprehensive Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Developmental-Behavioral Pediatric (DBP) medical care for children, teens and their family members.
Our founder, Dr. Mark Moncino is a board-certified pediatrician who understands developmental issues impact the entire family, not just the individual child. His mission is to develop a comprehensive plan that helps the child—and the whole family—as the child grows, continues to develop…and thrive!

Our Philosophy
We believe that if you’ve seen one child with developmental differences…you’ve seen one child with developmental differences. We understand—and appreciate—that each child’s blend of strengths and weaknesses is unique and that all children share the need to be loved, understood, valued, and supported.
Central to GCADP’s philosophy is that all children “do well if they can.”
Every child wants to succeed: every child wants to earn the A, hit the home run or score the goal, or master the piano or clarinet, and all want to make their parents proud. Each child deserves to have a voice. Accordingly, GCADP’s treatment plans focus on building on your child’s strengths and accommodating weaknesses to achieve the most productive, accomplished, and happy life possible.
Using best practices from the business model of change management, we meet children at their current developmental level, guiding them (and you) to adapt to changes in small increments toward the goals you and your provider has agreed on as part of your child’s individual treatment plan. And here’s the key: incremental changes over time lead to success. Just like compound interest yields a far larger payout in the long run, your child can accomplish amazing things over time, based on the carefully considered changes you and your provider is working on with your child today. Our goal is to always look forward to how we can help your child grow, develop, and succeed, not just tomorrow, but in 5, 10, and 15 years from now.
Behavioral change is hard and slow, but it can happen! We look forward to working with you and your child along this journey.
Our Role on Your Child’s Team
When you have a child with developmental challenges, the best thing you can do is surround him or her with a team of experts—a primary care physician for routine medical care (immunizations, routine medical treatment, emergency care), a specialist physician for developmental medical concerns (that’s us!) and, if needed, various therapists to help implement your child’s treatment plan. 
Some academic programs (for example, University-based programs) may house several members of a multidisciplinary team in one location.  Given various insurance contracts, this is not feasible, and given the distances that parents drive from all over Georgia, this is not realistic.  Dr. Moncino works as the “head” or “lead” of your child’s virtual DBP team – working collaboratively with your child’s pediatrician who is the “head” of your child’s medical home, various contracted therapists, and school personnel.  He calls on their expertise in their fields, synthesizes their recommendations and helps you understand the best options for your child based on the collective input.
This ensures your child is accurately diagnosed and is receiving coordinated, evidence-based medical support.  This collaborative, multidisciplinary team approach will ensure the best potential future for your child.  
We passionately believe that—with the right care and support—every child with developmental challenges can reach his or her full potential!
Welcome to GCADP. We will take good care of your family.